Dentist Program

This program is designed to be an ongoing nationwide service initiative. Dentists who choose to participate will offer reduced rate or free services to qualifying veterans. The actual qualifying level will be up to the dentist.

Each dentist chooses how many cases they are willing to do each month, quarter or year. Our foundaton is working on ways to help offset some of the LAB costs, you the dentist, will incure. The veterans will choose which dentist they wish to visit and ask them to join our network.

One way that we have setup to help with the cost of the lab work is that each veteran, or a family member, can create a campaign to raise funds to pay for the dental care. Most of the time we will have the funds prior to the raising of all the funds. If there is a campaign, we will contact the dentist to discuss the case and once the funds are in place we will let the dentist know that they can proceed with the care.

Our hope is that each dentist will choose to reach out to one or more Veteran(s) in their local community and have them in their office to do a complimentary dental cleaning, full mouth x-rays and a complete exam/treatment plan at minimum. After this step is accomplished, it becomes the continued elective of each dentist on how far they are able to carry on with pro-bono dental services.

No dentist will be obligated to perform any dental services to any Veteran where he/she does not feel comfortable. Our organization requirements for a dentist’s minimal involvement will include a simple feedback form on each case completed.

Our hope is that each dentist would see the value-added benefits that goodwill has within their communities and complete treatment on each Veteran they embrace. For dentists who choose to participate we will provide annual certificates and pins according to levels of participation.

Many Hands make Light Work

In the United States, there are around 200,000 practicing dentists. If just 20% of the dentists were to participating by donating $500 of services each year, we could improve 40,000 Veteran lives and will have performed over $20,000,000 in dental services annually.

How to Participate

Getting involved is easy.

  1. First, sign up on the Veterans Dental Foundation website as a volunteer.
  2. Second, find and select your Veteran to help.
  3. Third, provide dental services.
  4. Forth, send a copy of the services provided along with contact information for the veteran to Veterasn Dental Foundation. (You will receive more info after you sign up.)